The three co-founders of Roborn, Eden Lu, Mark Mak and Larry Poon, all have deep feelings for the Chinese University of Hong Kong, their alma mater. Eden and Mark got their MBA degree in CUHK, while Professor Larry Poon has been teaching master’s degree programs at the Chinese university of Hong Kong Business School since 2002, including Global EMBA, EMBA and MBA. Since June 2019, he has been appointed as a member of the External Advisory Group (EAG) of the MBA Strategic Plan of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
One of the four pillars of rebranding for CUHK MBA program is Technology, which aims to inspire students about the technology commercialization by integrating technology into certain industry ecosystem through Techanization to make better impact on the ecosystem and human being. Roborn’s Techanizaiton concept echoes with the brand identity of the CUHK MBA.
On September 28 this year, the three co-founders of Roborn returned to their alma mater, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and presented their self-developed 5G motion control humanoid robot to the Business School of CUHK to express their gratitude to their alma mater. Professor CHAN Chi-fai Andrew, the Executive Associate Dean (MBA) of CUHK Business School and the Co-Director of Executive MBA Programme in CUHK attended the donation ceremony on behalf of the Business School and interacted with the robots by shaking hands, after which he showed appreciation and took photos with the Roborn team.