Testing and Commissioning (T&C) Robot

The T&C robot, Intelligent Site Assistant-One (ISA-I) was developed to perform testing and commissioning tasks in construction sites. It can carry out scheduled site inspections and measure indoor environmental quality (IEQ) & illuminance. Data collected by the robot is transformed into electronic site records for the engineers’ reference. With a special wheel design, it can operate on various terrains and can be controlled locally via a robot control interface. Encompassing an AGV chassis system, a control system, an inspection system, and a sensor system, the robot is a valuable tool for construction projects at the testing and commissioning stage.

Video analytics

Equipped with a high-resolution camera, the robot can carry out onsite scanning with video analytics and verification against the Building Information Model (BIM), which then facilitates progress checking.

IoT sensors

Incorporated with multiple IoT sensors, the robot is capable of measuring indoor IAQ, noise level, and illuminance simultaneously.

5G connection

Inspection results and IEQ measurement data are uploaded seamlessly to the cloud platform via a 5G connection. This allows remote visualization of the results and generation of T&C forms.

Job Reference/Deployment Site:

Immigration Headquarters, Tseung Kwan O