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Seizing Innovation Opportunities with Robots: My Journey in the Greater Bay Area

Recently, our founder, Mr. Mark Mak, had the honor of being interviewed by Southern News. During the interview, he showcased our groundbreaking 5G motion control biomimetic robot. This robot not only stands as the first domestically developed 5G motion control biomimetic robot but also represents one of the innovative solutions Mark has been dedicated to since founding Roborn Technology in 2017.

In the interview, Mark shared his entrepreneurial journey and his aspirations for the future of technology. Drawing inspiration from childhood dreams, he established Roborn Technology in 2017 with a focus on advancing robotics technology. In 2018, Mark collaborated with several mainland companies to develop the 5G motion control biomimetic robot, garnering widespread attention in the industry.

As the company grew, Mark recognized the tremendous advantages of the Greater Bay Area in terms of entrepreneurial environment and domestic market demand. Consequently, he strategically expanded our presence by establishing branches in different cities within the Greater Bay Area. Leveraging the region’s abundant resources, our startup experienced rapid development, earning recognition through various awards.

Being a successful entrepreneur in the Greater Bay Area, Mark aims to be a role model for more Hong Kong youth to understand and integrate into the national development landscape. He encourages young individuals to explore the Greater Bay Area, citing it as an excellent platform for entrepreneurship—a promising starting point.

Roborn Technology’s robotic projects not only captivate attention but also shine brightly in the wave of technological innovation sweeping through the region. The journey continues as we navigate the dynamic landscape of science and technology, contributing to the transformative developments in the Greater Bay Area.

Link: 把握科創新機會 用「機械人」圓兒時夢|我與大灣區雙向奔赴

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